Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Happiness within......

My momentum to work today is not much at peak - one factor could be due to my early rise this morning.. I woke up at around 4:45am when Benny knocked at my room and had to get up to lock the main door as he was leaving for an early business trip to one of our Company project sites.. i just got his message that he had a great experience in his trip! Another reason could be my decision not to work at Embarcadero today as I opted just to stay here at our Head Office and while reviewing some financial reports I saw two young teenagers doing the filing of some office documents across my working area. I approached them and asked who they are and I was surprised to know that they are one of our Company student scholars! For curiosity, I interviewed them and narrated to me how they became scholars and how they cope up with their studies and family lives. They are still young and yet working hard just to have school allowance and free tuition fees and despite that they look very happy. . and slowly I realized how blessed I have been and somehow felt guilty as I never much appreciated what I have now! Before they left the area, I got their names and addresses and I suddenly recalled what I started before but discontinued - my dream to establish a Foundation providing education to those less fortunate. I guess it’s not yet late to pursue this…….

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Sleeping Lion.......

Since Monday I am here in Embarcadero for the usual business visit and now I have to slow down as I feel not stressed but maybe just homesick.. I was trying to roll up the glass window blinds at my office room when suddenly I felt relaxed as it’s only now that I notice the very nice view of the mountain across our office building – looks like a virgin forest! So I called a staff and asked if I could trek over that mountain this weekend and he just smiled and said that mountain is being called “a sleeping lion” derived from its shape and advised me just take a walk around it as there’s road surrounding the mountain’s foot but no available trail for mountain climbers.. well, I have to make a wonderful plan on how to dig in this weekend!

Monday, October 19, 2009

WHAT'S NEXT???????

Time flies so fast and the year is about to end…hoping for another wonderful and more blessed year to come! This I realized while walking (down the streets just across my office building) to meet the Man again who has offered me to join in his company.. I was talking to the receptionist at the lobby when suddenly I heard someone calling my name and yes, it’s him and he introduced me to his business Consultant – an old man! I was not bit comfortable as I do not know how to inform the Man about my decision with the Consultant around. And while discussing with the Consultant about my professional background, the Man left the conference room then I felt more relaxed.. after few minutes, the Man came back and I was amazed because he knew what’s in my mind about my decision on his offer - that I would join after the end of this year.. I explained that I have commitments with my present job and I have to finish all what I could before the year ends.. he asked me if it would be possible to join after one month, I just smiled and replied NO! I did this not because of what my mind thought should be done but what my heart dictated the best for me .. and whatever would be the Man’s decision after this meeting then so be it....... WHAT’S NEXT - I believe that would be God’s will!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I left the office early last Monday to finally meet the Man whom Joy had long scheduled for me to meet.. The Man is a young, good-looking businessman engaged in luxurious jewelry and watches retail shops (as exclusive distributor of Swiss & German watches) at the same time a known jeweler as his father started this family business. The usual introduction took place and after I introduced myself, the Man expressed his interest in me and offered me to join his company. As he was delightfully discussing his 15-year plans for his business, I just kept still as this scenario was so familiar to me and how I wanted to tell him STOP but I was interrupted when he suddenly asked me what’s going on (obviously he noticed me that my mind was drifting).. I felt so embarrassed as this is unfair to him - he is so nice and kind enough to wait for me and yet here I am going crazy on something I already closed doors.. Further he said, “You look unhappy, I thought you are interested to join in the business as my CFO” the more I felt embarrassed but I tried to project smartly – I smiled and explained that I was thinking of my CMA studies first quarter of next year.. I was able to breathe well when he asked what CMA is and I told him that I wish to be a Certified Management Accountant then he assured me not to worry as it is fine with him. He gave me one week to think it over but last Thursday I got an e-mail regarding the salary offer and seems he is really serious about it. The question is would I accept it? The more I am asking myself about this the more I could not decide and this morning when I woke up I remembered what the old Man said in “The Alchemist” – To realize one’s destiny is a person’s only obligation and, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. Is he the Man destined to help me overcome my emotional distress now? How I wish my mind would overrule my heart to answer YES AND FORGET THAT I WAS ONCE JUST A KEEN FOLLOWER.......